The calculator below is designed to help you better plan for the hours you should work each week based on the income you need. After inputting your hourly wage and the hours you work each week, the calculator will display your net weekly income - your final income after taxes have been removed. You may also find it helpful to compare on and off-campus positions while planning for your job search. Students who work on campus or in work-study positions are exempt from FICA taxes, which is why the tax percentage is lower for the on-campus calculator.
Compare your potential earnings for on- or off-campus jobs
When inputting your hourly wage, remember that the minimum wage on campus is $10.15/hour and the state minimum wage is $7.25/hour. Additionally, you cannot work more than 29 hours/week on campus, and in most off-campus positions you cannot work more than 40 hours/week.
On Campus*
Your net weekly income is: $0.00
*Includes off-campus work-study positions.
Off Campus
Your net weekly income is: $0.00