Get to know Sidney Mills, one of OSE's February 2023 Student Employees of the Month! Sidney is a double major in medical sociology and psychology and currently serves as the student employment program assistant at IU Indianapolis' Campus Center.

Learn from an expert
What tips do you have for other students who are searching for a part-time position?
Searching for a part-time position can be frustrating after the semester begins, but don't lose hope! Keep an eye out on Handshake for any openings that may appear and be sure to read through the full job description before hitting the apply button. When heading into the interview—even if you apply for multiple positions—be sure you know which position you are interviewing for and why.
What tips would you provide to other students on how to get the most out of their work experience?
To get the most out of your work experience, I believe it to be important to have fun and open conversations with peers and team members. Don't be afraid to start a conversation with someone new and ask them about their journey. It is also important to be innovative with solutions to problems that may arise, and make suggestions when you see fit!
What advice would you give someone who is trying to gain experience for their future career?
Take the knowledge you are gaining from your courses and incorporate them into your position, make suggestions when you notice there is room for improvement, and listen to advice from mentors who are in the field.
Description of the video:
OPENING: Featured Student Employees - Sidney Mills
Hi, I'm Sidney Mills - she/her pronouns, I'm a senior here at IUPUI studying Medical Sociology and Psychology, and I am the Student Employment Program Assistant here at the Campus Center. [LOWER THIRD: Sidney Mills - Student Employee Program Assistant at IUPUI Campus Center].
QUESTION [TEXT]: What interested you in the position?
I was first intrigued by the position because of the ability to be creative in the role and to bring more experiences into the Campus Center within the student positions and allowing students to enjoy the work that they're doing while working.
QUESTION [TEXT]: What have you enjoyed the most working in your position?
I've really enjoyed the relationships and friendships that I've built with other people the most - the relationships and friendships that I've built are friends that I can have forever (at least that's the goal) [LAUGHING].
QUESTION [TEXT]: What has been the main thing you've taken away from your position?
There are many aspects of this job that I feel translate to my career. Hopefully, the organization skills and the professional communication skills that I've gained while working here are definitely going to relay over to the career that I want to have after I graduate.
QUESTION [TEXT]: What has been your greatest accomplishment?
That is tough [LAUGHING]. I would say that my greatest accomplishment here would be winning the Colleen ASE Award for the ACI Region 6.
QUESTION [TEXT]: How has your student employment experience connected you to IUPUI?
Working on campus has allowed me to meet with people outside of my major - people that I wouldn't have talked to otherwise if I wasn't forced to be in the same room as them because of work reasons. It also allowed me to connect with the campus - I learned so much about the campus just because I worked on campus. I'm aware of where most buildings are and what activities are taking place just because of my previous knowledge of working here.
QUESTION [TEXT]: Fun fact?
Ummm... alright, my fun fact is that my arms are two different lengths. [STANDS UP TO DEMONSTRATE]. So, you can kind of tell they're different lengths there.
More about Academic and Career Development
University College is the academic home and advising resource for most first-year students at IU Indianapolis. We also work with students beyond the first year as they prepare for admission to a degree-granting program. Academic and Career Development offers you a team of student success advisors and career consultants to help you explore your interests, choose a major, and create a plan to achieve your academic and personal goals. Once you transition to your degree-granting school, you could work with advisors, career professionals, and even faculty to prepare for a successful career.